Do Social Agencies Increase English Language Proficiency?
Developing and developed countries, Discriminant analysis, English language proficiency, Social agencyAbstract
The globalization advances explicitly affirm the demand of a high, if not a good English language proficiency in the fields of business, economics, commerce, science, trade, technology, education, entertainment, among others. This study investigated the social agencies within the context of income, education, and economic opportunities, and their association to English Language Proficiency (ELP). This study utilized a descriptive-correlational design, which described the social agencies that pose positive effect to the English language proficiency (ELP) using big data analytics. Data included are data sets for access to basic knowledge (ABK), Gross National Income (GNI), employment in services (SE), mean years of stay in school (MYSS), education spending, and ELP, which were extracted from online databank allowing public access. Findings revealed that ABK, MYSS, and ES for both developed and developing countries contribute to the increase in the English language proficiency while, GNI per capita does not. The findings suggested that some social agencies, such as access to fundamental education (AFE), (MYSS) and job prospects, are elements of a country’s projects aimed at enhancing English language skills. Furthermore, MYSS provides substantial input for developing nations to raise the number of years as they initiate substantial steps towards growing possibilities for labor and revenue. An incremental benefit could be felt as education grows with experience, which could also have a positive effect to income. Further studies are recommended to investigate on other variables within social agencies which may pose positive influence to English language proficiency.

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