Development and Implementation of Grade Inquiry System using Short Messaging Service
Effectiveness, Inquiry system, ISO/IEC 205010:2011 standard, Satisfaction, Text MessagingAbstract
Grade inquiry with short messaging service is a way to improve the mode of inquiring information. This study aimed to develop and implement a grade inquiry system using short messaging services. The study was conducted through a developmental-evaluative design. The performance of the existing and the developed system were compared based on the effectiveness, satisfaction, functional suitability and security. This comparison was assumed based on a metrics of quality of use model (i.e., effectiveness, satisfaction) and product quality model (i.e., functional suitability, security), according to the ISO/IEC 205010:2011 standard. The software was developed in a Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 application and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database system which permits students to use the Smart and Globe telecommunication networks. This system allows students to inquire of their grades through Short Message Service (SMS) using a code, ID number, and password through their mobile phones. Proportionate sampling was applied to the graduate students who served as respondents, to gather the needed data. Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed-Rank Test was used to determine the significant difference between the existing and developed system. Results showed that the developed system was very effective and the students very satisfied. However, there was no significant difference regarding to functional suitability between the existing and developed system. Modernized inovation that will focus on the design and the use of computer technology pertaining to grade inquiry should be developed, to cater to students’ grade inquiries. These outcomes will help the university in fulfilling the needs of the students and their expectations.

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