Product Optimization of Yogurt Ice Cream flavored with Fermented Cacao Butter (Theobroma cacao L.)
Response surface methodology, Yogurt starter, Optimization, Microbiological analysisAbstract
Cacao yogurt ice cream was subjected to optimization study using Box-Behnken design. This study aims to determine the optimum levels of cacao butter as flavorant, yogurt starter and sugar. A total of 15 runs were conducted, following the Box-Behnken design. It was prepared by pasteurization of fresh cow’s milk, addition of yogurt, incubation and freezing. The 15 runs were subjected to physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory analyses. The statistical analysis revealed that high levels of sugar and yogurt starter significantly affect the sensory qualities and physico-chemical properties of the yogurt ice cream. Moreover, the levels of sugar and cocoa butter significantly affect the growth of lactic acid bacteria in the ice cream. The optimized level is composed of 5.23-9.3% cacao, 14-19% sugar and 16-25% yogurt.

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