Potential of Organic Waste Substrates as Attractants in Log Traps for Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros L.)
Trapping medium, Abundance, Develop, Green muscardine fungus, MortalityAbstract
Coconut rhinoceros beetle is an important agricultural pest that is prevalent to cause serious damage on coconuts. One of the control methods for this pest is by using different potential breeding sites/substrates. The objective of this study is to assess the efficacy of organic waste substrates as trapping media for Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle (CRB). The organic waste substrates tested were the saw dust (control), corn cobs, rice straw, decaying vegetables, decomposing banana stumps and leaves and animal manure as CRB attractant in log traps. Among the six organic waste substrates tested, animal manure and rice straw were the most promising substrates that can be used as CRB trapping media in terms of the number of eggs collected, with 56 and 19, respectively. Also, high mortality of developing larvae was observed in these substrates compared to saw dust.

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