Process Optimization of Lactic Acid Treated EVIARC Sweet Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) Flour
Flour, Jackfruit seeds, Lactic acid treatment, Lactic acid, Optimization, Response surface methodologyAbstract
Jackfruit seeds is a cheap source of nutrients but are usually discarded as waste hence, it is transformed into flour product where it can be kept and used for a longer period. However, it has limited cooking applications. There is a need, thus, to expand its range of application by modifying its properties which can be achieved by treating it with lactic acid. The study aimed to optimize the process of lactic acid treated jackfruit seed flour using Response Surface Methodology. A 3x3 full factorial design following Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with different levels of lactic acid (0, 1.5, 3 % v/v) and soaking time (16, 24, 32 hours) were used for physico-chemical and functional properties evaluation. Optimum treatment for lactic acid treated jackfruit seeds flour production is 1.5% v/v lactic acid and 21 hours of soaking time. Predictive ability of the model equation developed for the optimum process was verified.

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