Comparative Study on the Breeding Performance of Red Jungle Fowl versus Native Roosters under Confinement System
Egg shape index, Fertility, HatchabilityAbstract
This study was conducted to determine the production performance of red jungle fowls and native roosters mated with native hens under confinement system. A total of two red jungle fowl roosters, two native roosters and eight native hens were randomly assigned to two treatments with two replications. Each replicate was composed of one rooster and two hens that were randomly laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design. Egg weight showed a highly significant difference at t<0.05 and revealed heavier weight (39.5 g). Comparable results were obtained in % egg production, %fertility, % hatchability rates, yolk and shell weight, egg length and width, egg shape index and yolk color score. The performance of RJF regarding production potential and egg quality traits were comparable with the native chicken.

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