Postharvest Quality of Two Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) Fruit Maturities Held in Ambient and CoolBot-equipped Cold Storage
Chilling injury, CoolBot, Low temperature storage, Pericarp hardeningAbstract
Mangosteen fruit has a good demand in the global market, however, local production is beset with high postharvest losses. The effectiveness of low temperature in maintaining fruit postharvest quality is well known but costly. In this study, the effects of ambient storageand CoolBot-equipped room are determined on two maturity stages of mangosteen. The mangosteen fruit which is classified as reddish purple or dark purple was stored in either ambient conditions (26.7±0.6°C, 88.4±3.4% RH) or inside a modified cold room using CoolBot (9.9±1.8°C, 77.8±10.7% RH) and the quality was evaluated weekly. Mangosteen at both maturity stages had at least 8.5 days of shelf life under ambient conditions and 29.8 days under CoolBot storage. Peel color was maintained for less than four days after storage in ambientm while 35 days in room with CoolBot. There was a higher total soluble solids (TSS) content in dark purple fruit in both storage conditions. Pericarp hardening of the fruit was observed starting at 7 and 28 days in ambient and CoolBot storage, respectively. Fruit stored in the CoolBot-equipped room had better visual and calyx quality, lower weight loss, higher TSS, and delayed peel color change. Chilling injury which manifested as inner pericarp browning at 35 days did not vary between the two fruit maturities in cold storage. Storage of reddish purple mangosteen fruit using CoolBot maintained the fruit quality until 28 days.
Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology (JSET)

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