Morphological Characteristics and Production Performance of F1 Progenies of Red Jungle Fowl
qualitative traits, quantitative traits, feed efficiency, cross breedingAbstract
A study conducted to assess the morphological and production performance of F1 Red Jungle Fowl mated with native hens under confinement system. The F1 of Native x Native got highest bodyweight and lowest in F1 Hinundayan x Native during week 2. On the other hand, weeks 4, 3 and 8 revealed consistently heaviest body weights (p<0.01) in F1 Native x Native. Bi-weekly body lengths showed highly significant differences p<0.01) from week 2 up to week 6. It also showed consistent longest body lengths in F1 Native x Native and F1 Baybay RJF x Native. On the shank length, there was no significant difference in weeks 2, 4 and 6 but significantly differed (p<0.05) at week 8. The wingspan also showed highly significant differences (p<0.01) in week 2 to week 6, with widest (p<0.01) on F1 Native x Native. The plumage, skin, shank, earlobe and comb colors of the F1 progenies varied from red, brown and black showing red plumage color as the dominant color. The F1 Native x Native showed highest average feed consumed (p<0.01) and average weight gain (p<0.05) while feed efficiency was not significant.

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