Growth Pattern of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Probiotic Rice Washed Water
microbial count, growth curve, logarithmic growth phase, LAB culture, morphological characteristicsAbstract
Readily available rice washed water posed as potential medium for lactic acid bacteria, thus its utilization as probiotic drink for animals was explored. This study investigated the LAB growth pattern in rice washed water using factorial design following Completely Randomized Design. Highest bacterial count was from 1:3 rice-water ratio 1st washing (T5) at 12h (1.5 x109cfu/ml) and 1:2 rice-ratio 1st washing (T3) at 30h (1.5x109cfu/ml). The 1:3 rice-water ratio 1st washing (T5) and 1:1 rice-water ratio 2nd washing (T2) provided an early rapid growth environment. Logarithmic phase started at 18h with T5 having the highest microbial count. Decline phase ranged from 18h to 36h. Morphological and culture characteristics were identical to the activated LAB from the source. Results indicate that rice washed water can be used as probiotic drink within 12h to 42h after fermentation.

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