Microsatellite DNA Loci Reveal Successful Cross-Genus Amplification in a Critically Endangered Parashorea malaanonan
Cross-amplification, Microsatellites/SSRs, Parashorea malaanonan, DipterocarpaceaeAbstract
Parashorea malaanonan, of the family Dipterocarpaceae, is one of the most economically and ecologically important timber species in the Philippines. Presently, genetic resource of this species is highly threatened and its long-term survival is critically endangered. Hence, genetic investigation for the species is very essential. In this study, 23 microsatellite DNA loci developed for Shorea leprosula and S. curtisii were cross-amplified to P. malaanonan. This results a high transferability rate of 74%. The findings provided additional evidence for the potential cross-amplification of Shorea SSRs across genera within Dipterocarpaceae. The five polymorphic microsatellites are useful for further genetic studies of the remaining P. malaanonan populations.

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