RFID Based Employee Attendance Monitoring System for LSPU SPCC
TTL Converter, ZigBee Technology, RFID, monitoring system, RS 232Abstract
Employee attendance monitoring system is important in an organization. It involves observation of behaviors, time keeping and site security. It is important to have such a system that will be used in this kind of operation. This special project is focused on employee attendance monitoring system using RFID. An additional method of attendance monitoring is for the existing biometrics at Laguna State Polytechnic University. The project was designed using RFID reader for the scanning of RFID tags, RS 232 to TTL converter to convert the data coming from the reader. A visual basic programming software was used for the program and Microsoft Access for the database. All the readers were connected by a local area network. The existing biometrics scanner was linked into the same database of RFID. Once an employee enters the campus their time in/out will be saved to a common database. Functionality was tested and the test results showed that 100 % of the RFID tags were detected and the maximum distance was 3 inches. The results shows that the system is reliable in terms of its functionality and the sensor reading is accurate. For further studies I would suggest that, aside from the Radio Frequency Identification tags future researchers can use ZigBee technology as its transmitter and receiver in replacement of the Radio Frequency Identification System.

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