Cost and Return Analysis of Establishing a Science and Technology-Based (STBF) Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) Farm
science and technology-based farm, partial budget analyses, net income change, organic-based, ampalaya productionAbstract
A STBF was established in Molopolo, Macrohon, Southern Leyte showcasing best management practices for organic-based ampalaya production. Two demo plots were established, one was following the MS practice and the other adopting new interventions. The plots with interventions had better crop growth. Yields were 70%, 80% and 42% higher than the MS practice plots in the first, second and third cropping, respectively. Net income change of P21,800.00, P27,420.00 and P10,335.00 were obtained during the three croppings. Field day participants’ feedbacks indicated that the scientific way of organic ampalaya production was more beneficial than the MS usual practice.

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