In-Situ Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Mapping Of Barangay Maac Marine Protected Area (MPA), Sogod, Southern Leyte
Experimental design, Heat map, Marine protected area, Philippines, Sea surface temperatureAbstract
This paper intends to generate a geo-referenced heat map based on Sea Surface Temperature (SST) readings at Maac Marine Protected Area. Significance level on variability and difference of the average temperature level and the upper limit of the normal value were also determined using a One Sample t-test. The study site is in the barangay of Maac, located in the Municpality of Sogod, Province of Southern Leyte and is approximately 7 kilometers northeast from the municipality’s center. It has a total area of 11.67 hectares. This study uses an experimental design. SST measurements were taken using a pre-calibrated hull temperature sensor connected to a fish finder. Out of the total 128 data points that were measured with temperature measurement, only 49 contained temperature readings. Statistical tests revealed that the average temperature level is significantly lesser than the upper limit of the normal value. Variability test showed that the average temperature level is significantly greater than the lowest temperature reading. The generated heat map provided a graphic representation of relatively high temperature readings within and outside the MPA.
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