Language Alteration in Leyteˇnong Binisaja of the Fifth District of Leyte
Leyteñong Binisaja, Morpheme type, Part of speech, Word structureAbstract
The study determined the variation of languages in Leyteˇnong Binisaja in the selected towns of the fifth district of Leyte, Philippines using descriptive design. Twenty-five (25) volunteers were recruited from each of the chosen five barangays of each selected town. This recruitment totaled to a number of 125 participants. From the critical investigation made, it was discovered that in the fifth district of Leyte, Leyteˇnong Binisaja has different varieties. There were places where the names and spellings are different but are the same in meaning; some words showed independent and non-independent morphemes; there were structures found namely pronouns, verbal and class, with simple and repeated derivation but did not have a compound words and consisted of the parts of speech according to the content namely noun, verb, pronoun, adjective, adverb, ligature and determiner. It was discovered that the Leyteˇnong Binisaja language consisted of many varieties and its speakers have varied ways of speaking it as well. In this regard, the researchers suggested that more studies should be done on local languages so that these languages can be maintained and can still be recognized by future generations.
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